For gold prospectors who live in or frequently prospect in indiana. A group interested in sharing information on how find gold and where to find gold in the Hoosier state.

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  • Anyone still active in this group looks like last post in 2015

  • For anyone interested, the Gatesville store in Gatesville Indiana got flooded out and a fund raising site has been set up to help raise money to assist Robin and Doug in the repairs. There is a link below or you can look at it on southern Indiana gold prospectors on Face Book.

  • The Northern Indiana guys are planning an open outing at deer creek campground near Delphi for May 2nd if anybody is interested. I have heard conflicting reports of what the gold is like there but I saw some pictures on facebook recently that made it look pretty good.

  • Randy, we bought loads delivered by a front end loader/backhoe, about a yard each, I was told. You can highbank the beach or dredge the river for less $. There is probably a lot of crumbs left on the beach from guys like us.

    Loads here were $50.00. I heard Lucky strike down the road was $35.00 and the gold just as good, but we stayed here because the cabins were available.

  • Looks real good for TC! I love their cabins, camping and showers!
  • Jay:

    When you say two loads, about how much material you talking about?  Number of five gallon buckets is how I can relate?  Is this one of the places where they bring in a load from the mine or did you highbank the creek?

  • 2960247588?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Me finding gold instead of printing Tim's shirt order.

  • 2960247938?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Cabin was $50.00 a night. Very Clean.

  • 2960247781?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024You can rent these Trommels.

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HB 1580

You may or may not be aware that a new Bill (HB 1580) has been introduced that would protect the wildest areas of Morgan-Monroe, Yellowwood, and Owen Putnam State Forests (and others) from logging.  You may not be aware that logging activity has accelerated in recent years.  I know the role of government is a sensitive issue with many here.  However, you must understand that a major objective of some conservative movements is turn over Federal and State land to private industry.  This bill…

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gold in indiana

hey friend..ive doug all over indiana  and i have found the best spots are kilmore creek in frankfort and sugar creek outside crowfordsvill between darlington and there...plenty of back roads to go on and nice farmers to ask to go ..alot of nice flakes to flour gold..some not to many wheat germ nugs...the sothern part is takin up by the boyscout camp now and ya cant get in their...good lick and hope this helps

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