The media would have us believe that a bunch of armed militia are simply shielding two people from going (back) to prison but the story is much deeper than that.

It is beyond comprehension how the BLM and our legal system has been used to persecute the Bundy family in their efforts to take the minerals from beneath their land.

As small miners we have witnessed federal abuses concerning legitimate land use and this family has been suffering firsthand how corrupt and vindictive our government can be.

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  • How would you feel if the Fed killed all the people at the wildlife refuge?

    • I'm afraid, Steve, that an action like that by the Feds

      would start something all of us don't want to see..........

      and it wouldn't be just here in Oregon either.

  • that sad truth about this is happens more then people know or can even think of with issues similar to this. ever heard of the term imminent domain. the same thing pretty much happens here on the east under coast with the same type of ruse. take example for how a friend of mine lost their house between what the city , a local hospital and state college wanted this particular  block in the city so the college could build on it with conjunction with the hospital and the city for the taxes they could impose on it after it was built compared to the taxes they received from home owners. they pretty much forced everyone out of it by either saying their properties were going to be condemn or they offered pennies on the dollar for what the properties were worth on the open i can understand how these people feel; for if you feel big brother in the city, state, or federal capital buildings have us the poor lowly citizens in the best heart or wishes unfortunately i don't see it as being so. now i love this country don't get me wrong . but for so long this hasn't been a land of the people for the people and we need to get back to that way. instead it has been taken over by big business ( most of which is foreign), the greedy, and by the political elite.

    just my opinion.

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