1 mercury Posted by SCOTT HARDY on November 17, 2015 at 4:32pm in Newbie section does mercury float You need to be a member of Goldprospectorsspace to add comments! Join Goldprospectorsspace Email me when people reply – Follow
I had stuff floating on top of the water didn't know what it was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also see bluegray metallic pieces in my pan
No, it balls up and will not support itself on surface tension.
I think he is asking if just mercury floats, we did say right conditions, which would have gold in it. His question just says "does mercury float". Maybe Scott can clarify his question?
well guys i got to diagree if a small fine piece of gold is in the mer it can and will float
have seen it many times although if your useing dawn dish soap or jet dry it will help it settel like it does fine floating gold
I agree MDV...