
  • I know it's past X-Mas but would still like a investor or investors for my own AK Gold Rush Fever mining adventure.

  • lol howard i ll know better next time

  • well i ask the wife wat i could have for christmas and she said anything  and everything  so i said i wanted a new 5 inch dredge  (3)20s a blonde a burnett and a red head a new truck thats when the fight started  now i am looking for new home guess i should not hav ask for the new truck.

    • Boy Ken I'm glad I didn't ask for a new truck !!!   Laughing Here !

  • I got up Christmas Morning and there wasn't any California dredge permit in My sock I guess Santa didn't have any pull with the state eather     HA  BUM HUG !!!

    • Howard, that is so sad for you all out that way!  Time to start your New Year's Revolution!  LOL!

  • Whirrled Peas, a nation that feeds it's children without help from the private sector, ending our "Police Actions" throughout the world, an effective United Nations with a dedicated police force of intelligent, paid volunteers, all of my prospecting buddies with smiles on their faces from full yellow pans, truth from the enviro groups, politicians who don't raise their pay every year and actually live within their means, no paychecks after they step down, help for the homeless who want it and the ones who need it, a gift for every child whether they have a tree or not and lastly, the end of drug abuse.

    And oh yeah, a Gold Cube and a five or six inch dredge, busily sucking gold out of the Klamath, Rogue, Feather, American and the Umpqua Rivers! And a new motor home to keep travelling in, with a lady companion that also loves my dog, prospecting, travelling full time, no marriage plans and laughter. So not much, lol!

  • All I want for Christmas is: Less government regulation.  

  • I want DC to stop the politicing and start the governing again. I want Tom Massie to make the Gold Fever Show about prospecting again instead of a constant vacation for him and his family(who needs to see the Eskimo World Convention for 1 hour). I want to watch the ill prepared hoffmans go down in flames. I want my rights to use public lands back from the tree huggers.

    And above all, I want my CC 690 full of GOLD!!!!!!!!

    PS: Bring the rest of our troops home and stop being the police of the world.

    • Ohhhh Yeahhhh!! What a bargain that would be!

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