Dowsing for Gold

Lots of people seem to rely on it. Either with a stick or L rods or the electrified L rod. Dont want to go into the science of electrical valences. That's available for researchers on the web. My questions for dowsers are below. If you have or currently add this to your arsenal let us know your methods and successes.

1. What do you use?    L rods, stick, electric rod, etc

2. What are the specific materials?    Copper rod, copper coated weld rod, birch, pine etc

3. Do you map dowse? either maps or as some, redrawn maps on large cardboard, backed with foil etc.

4. Your success rate?  All the time, most of the time, hit and miss.

5. Do you dowse and then detect as a second layer? Confirm with a detector or just dig.

6. Do your redowse maps after adding gps points?

7. Have you either hit a big one or stopped yourself from wasted efforts that were confirmed with physical sampling?

Try to answer the questions as best you can so we can get an accurate idea as to successes and methods in use.

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  • Up in Nome last week. One of the staff beach members would pull out this device that looked like a cone shape. Pointed on the bottom and widden towards the top. Appeared to be wrapped in copper wire. He came to our 25 feet of beach claim and ran the top over a section. He asked if there was gold? It went around in circles then stopped. He asked if there was 1 layer of paydirt it went around in circles. He asked if there were 2 layers of paydirt? It went around in circles. He asked if there were 3 layers of paydirt? it went around in circles. He asked if there were 4 layers and the thing swung back and forth. So we started digging. About 28 to 30 inches deep we hit what they call wind sand. It is a very hard packed layers of sand more then 16 inches deep in our claim. At the wind sand layer we were told not to dig any further as there was nothing below it. Sure enough after digging about a 15 foot diameter hole about 30 inches deep we could see the 3 layers of paydirt.


    Makes me wonder.......... My buddy Dave who was laughing his butt off as Paul was doing this is now scratching his head and wondering how it all works. He hasnt made a joke about it since. I think I could do dowsing just need to try it.

  • I wanted to pick the best bag of cons at Thermal City a few years back. The man said they didn't salt them. To help me decide he gave me one L shaped rod. I laughed but the rod no metter how I held my hand or walked kept pointing to one bag. I ask what it was made out of and he said it can be made out of anything. At my old job I bent 2 aluminum welding rods and walked around a room goofing around. It crossed in 3 different places no matter how I walked or where I started. Several different guys all not seeing the one before all crossed in the same 3 places. I had my nugget. I had my coworker place it under one floor mat or the other. Each were perfect finding the right mat. I don't tend to believe these things but this is one thing that doesn't make sense I believe in. Seems from what I see everyone can do it.
  • An old gentleman told me about this quite a few years ago.

    Take a 1/2" copper pipe cap and silver solder a brass wound piano wire, aprox. 10 to 12" long, straight out of the center.

    Place this inside of, and silver solder the cap to, a 1/2" copper pipe aprox 6" long with 4 to 6" of piano wire sticking out the end.

    Hold the pipe level in one hand pointing away from you and also hold a sample of what you want to dowse in the palm of the same hand.

    He claimed the piano wire would bend to the edge of the copper pipe in the direction of your target.

    I never tried it, never saw it done, but he believed in it.

    • where do you buy brass wound piano wire

      • A good music store that restrings pianos.

        You could prob get a used string for nuthin.


        I don't see why a brass wound acoustic guitar string wouldn't work just as well.

        I'd ask for a 6th string "E", 54 or 56 gauge.

    • Thats close to what a couple sites mentions with the metal in hand. They call it baiting but I imagine the thought interferes with and focuses the electrical energy in the brain and the electrical energy or galvanic response in the skin. One thing I was very curious about was a volt/ohm measurement off both hands at rest and while using the rods. If ones thoughts are changing voltage and running out the lenght of the rod and interfacing with the earths magnetic feild then there are ways of recording and measuring the action. If it can be recorded and measured the entire process is merely using your own electrical energy to create a low voltage metal detector. The thought being the discriminate mode lol. My next step is to solder a small flake onto each rod as they say to bait. They also say the forked stick and your arms coming into contact with the wet under bark forms an energized coil. One thing at a time I guess.  I think the piano wire would be far more sensitive set up like that.

  • Durant has been claiming for years now that you should digg when your wallet stars flapping   Laughing Here !

    • Mines never flapped. That must be why I get all the flour LOL!

  • Well I tried to edumacate myself off the web... I have two sets of brass rods from brazing rod. One is small about coat hanger size and the other is thick about 3/16". I put 5 different objects under identical coffee cups. A bolt, a seashell, a silver coin a brass token, and a vial with some chunkier pieces, may be 1/4 gram.  Cant get the thick rods to perform at all. The thin ones work really good with a lot of funny quirks. Which is weird because some of them are from the mental method and some the science method. Just approaching the randomly mixed cups the thin rods lock right onto the silver coin and the brass token and ignore the gold. However if I come close while thinking about gold and imagining the object they ignore everything and lock onto the gold every single time. A complete blur between the two traditional methods.  The second very odd thing is the time of day turns it all off and on. I never had a correct hit after 10am in the morning and on into the evening was just the same. But the next morning locked back on with 100% success.  Its interesting and there are a few things I havent tried yet.  Will follow up with results if they seem to change. Right now though I have to stay with the MD20 and the long handle lol.

    • this was a great read for sure. I realy liked the part about thinking of the object. :) you ever find out enything more on the 411 club. LOL thanks mike:)

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