Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so bare with me please. - The problem I am currently working on is the best Plastic sluice to use, if possible, with a 3" dredge. I have reconfigured the pulley sizes on the T-80 so I can slow the water pump down and still get adequate air supply. I'm just not sure what sluice to use and how many sections, length, is needs for very fine gold. I will be dredging in Chile, South America. As hard as it might be to believe my attempts to get an answer from the 3 biggest sellers of plastic sluices pretty much has been the same, they don't know, their not sure, go to a forum and ask. So here I am hoping someone has had experience with this type of setup.
Thank You for any help you can give me - Ron
that is a good question my personal opinion is if its a drop riffle plastic sluice no reason being you need a certin amount of water flow and presure to operate it it also needs to be at least 14 inches wide so your material can spread out in the sluice plastic sluices are not designed for a real high water flow although there are a few exceptions to my opinion
like the 1 that gold king is produceing as well as the gold grabber but these are not a drop riffle type of sluice i think if i was going to go wih a dredge i would stay with a metal unit but its all a preffence as to what you like and want to use
Check out Angus MacKirk. You can also call and talk with Angus and he may be able to help you select. You can also check what they use on the combos. They are made of ABS. You can use the ABS pipe glue and use two thinner ones joined side by side. If you order them you can have them leave the upstream end boxed off if you are running a crash box on the dredge. You may want to ask if they can send some flat cut offs for bracing or use the drain pipe. You should test before travel, if possible. Good Luck. Post a photo of the finished product.
I am sure someone here can get you the info you need ..and keep us posted on your adventures if you can thank you
Why so small a dredge? I would think that you need more production that a 3" would give. Dickb