I searched the forum and saw Ken AKA had experience with a bazooka dredge, I am considering dropping some dimes on one of their sluices, anybody here use one yet and have some advice?
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I have the minie and the prospector Bozooka gold trap sluices . They both work very well. I put adjustable legs on the bigger one to help level it out. Can't go wrong on getting one.
Astro Bouncer > Don smithFebruary 19, 2012 at 5:25pm
Don, that sounds like a good mod, could you upload some pics and also where did you get the legs?
They are great man, just make sure you get one based on the size water you will be working. Creek or small water less then 4 inches = use the smallest model. Medium size creek (at least 5 inches deep) needs decent flow or drop to run a prospector model bazooka, but it will work even better with more of either. You can use either in slower water as well, but you cant feed them anywhere near as fast. I have never tried the biggest sluice, the medium size is already plenty big for my needs.
Patrick O > Astro BouncerFebruary 17, 2012 at 8:56pm
Thanks A.B. I just searched videos and found that information..the prospector, the miner looks way too big for my needs. Hey, good videos you posted too, I enjoy the bluegrass accompaniment
Riverdigger > Patrick OFebruary 17, 2012 at 9:33pm
Can't wait for the new "Backhoe" model...You'll need the flow of Niagra falls to run it though.
Patrick O > RiverdiggerFebruary 17, 2012 at 9:53pm
hehehe....I wonder if anyone has tried building a dredge with the water trap principle instead of riffles
no patrick i said i have not seen or tried one i said i had heard of them
Patrick O > KEN AKA BIG FOOT MOUNTAIN MAN IDFebruary 17, 2012 at 7:51pm
ahhh, after some research I have found the two products are not the same either. The Bazooka dredge nozzle and Bazooka sluice are totally different creatures.
I have the minie and the prospector Bozooka gold trap sluices . They both work very well. I put adjustable legs on the bigger one to help level it out. Can't go wrong on getting one.
Don, that sounds like a good mod, could you upload some pics and also where did you get the legs?
They are great man, just make sure you get one based on the size water you will be working. Creek or small water less then 4 inches = use the smallest model. Medium size creek (at least 5 inches deep) needs decent flow or drop to run a prospector model bazooka, but it will work even better with more of either. You can use either in slower water as well, but you cant feed them anywhere near as fast. I have never tried the biggest sluice, the medium size is already plenty big for my needs.
Thanks A.B. I just searched videos and found that information..the prospector, the miner looks way too big for my needs. Hey, good videos you posted too, I enjoy the bluegrass accompaniment
Can't wait for the new "Backhoe" model...You'll need the flow of Niagra falls to run it though.
hehehe....I wonder if anyone has tried building a dredge with the water trap principle instead of riffles
no patrick i said i have not seen or tried one i said i had heard of them
ahhh, after some research I have found the two products are not the same either. The Bazooka dredge nozzle and Bazooka sluice are totally different creatures.