Map Dowsing for Water and Gold

Hello everybody,

I do map dowsing as a hobby and I would like to get the opportunity to dowse maps/locations (aerial view) (for free) for other members to develop my skills. I have been doing it to search for water and various irrigation pipes. I would like to practice doing it for precious metals from aerial maps (and also to keep at it for underground water). If members would send me pics of google maps or address to GPS, so that I could look it up and print it on my side (I don't think I need to know the address so the location could also stay anonymous if you just send me the pic) but the closest clearer picture is always good.

What would be great is that if somebody would send me some google maps where they already know the location of the metal (don't tell me) and I could cross examine the map to practice. The better I will get the more members could benefit ;)

Trying to get to a 70% accurate, not 100% ;) I can only get better with practice and feedbacks and I could not think of a better group for this ;) Of course I would do this for free to start, the only thing I need in exchange are feedbacks as if I am right, completely wrong or pretty close :)

I am open to inputs. I am sure there are people on this site who are very good at it also ;) I dowse the maps with a pendulum and if onsite with my rods.

Thank you in advance.


Northern California- Santa Rosa

dowsing map 1.jpg

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  • If you contact me on private email please make sure to write "Dowsing Gold" in subject line of email and send me a note from this site so I will be contacted. Thank you.


  • Hello Elizabeth, I just sent you a email with a map attached of where we found a few nuggets, take a look, see if there are any left :)  Thanks Steve

    • Steve,

      Sending your map by email.

      The areas marked are the ones which are the most prominent for right now.

      If you want to send me closer aerials I might be able to zero in a bit more as this map was quite large.

      Let me know what you think.



      • Thanks, I'll try to get you a more detailed map, all those areas you marked except one, I have skipped detecting because of the hot rocks. And I think the one area by itself is where I found a few nuggets. I think you did good. I hope I can get out this year and concentrate on those areas. Thanks Steve

        • You are welcome Steve,

          Thank you for the feedbacks.

          Yes send me closer maps when you get a chance.

          Good luck and let me know what and if you find anything interesting.


    • Ok will do, give me a couple days :)


  • Right on Elizabeth, Good luck and thank you for your offer.

    Please check out the Gold Dowsers Connection Group here on GPS..

    I look forward to having you as part of the group..


    If you could give that a try please. Follow the creek from the train trestle west towards the dropped pin.
    • Sonny,

      Would you like my results posted here or would you like to have it sent privately to your email? ;)

      Let me know. I just finish the overall reading (as close as google let me get ;) and can send you or post a map with areas noted.

      Thank you.


      • Yes it's for the October 16th outing, and that would be fine you can post it publicly if you would like.
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