mix 0ne part 20mule team BORAX with three parts of pancake syrup or corn syrup, heat mix in microwave for a few seconds to speed up the mixing.

those ants will line up like wildabeasts at an african waterin hole...
they carry it back to the nest to feed their babies and it poisons them all

and or mix the same 3 to 1 mixture with powdered sugar they feed solids to the workers
it only took 3 days from bait to funeral and now im free of these lilbuggers

you only need a small amount drizzled on their trail, an animal dog/cat cant ingest enough of the borax to hurt them

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  • Will try this for sure !

  • I was told about using the pink package artificial sweetener.  Seems to work on those pesky black ants (sometimes called sugar ants).  But I cannot find anything that will "really" kill the fire ants here in FL.  I will try your borax recipe, thanks.

  • I hope you are talking about ants.I got infested with these real small black ants in Arizona this past winter.I tried everything they sold at the hardware store and nothing would work.I am excited to try your mix.Thanks so much for posting this.

  • Thank's I will try this I do need help


  • good old corn meal will do the same thing put on the mound and about 3 days later they are dead

    Chuck in Fl. the land of red ant heaven on my face book page i have a video of reds eating a live rat that got caught on a barb wire fence it took them all of 1 day to kill the rat and eat it leaving skin and bones the next morning


    • just corn meal ? or something else mixed in ?

  • Great receipe, a wile back I tride to send Ore to texas I had to check with Food and Agucolture becouse of Red Fire Ants
  • Can't wait to try this formula I'm tired dealing with ants.

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