Support for future mining

Check this out and add your support if you think this is what is needed as I do.

Commercial mining has deeper pockets and can help get this country back on track with getting the government to see that more mining is what is needed to get us back on top instead of falling down the ladder of world mineral production!!



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  • Check out whats happening in Oregon,   they need your help !!!    This kind of micromanaging and restricting open access has killed small recreational mining in CA !    Next is Oregon then YOUR STATE!!!!


    Check out:!/profile.php?id=100000660792882    (Kerby Jackson).   


    We do need your help !!


  • You miss the point, my friend. Big mining is an enemy of small miners. They have influenced BLM and the National Forest Sevice to either prevent or to make it very hard for small claims'  owners to exist. I have personally seen many claims taken over by BLM so that big mining could reclaim the claim of the small miners.  If you believe that big mining has any intersest in small mining then the big mining interests and their lobbiests have won again (they won over you). Their money talks and steers your thoughts and actions to give them what they want: exclusive rights to public lands. This has been going on for years and it has excellerated over the last 10 years.
    • Amen Jim! My brother lived in Califunya a few years back. He and a friend had a small claim out by Fort Irwin in the desert. It wasn't much, practically a coyote hole, but he was getting some peacock ore out in the cooler months. The big miners came in and pressured the State of Confusion and Taxation into forcing them to close down. They levied false taxation and regulations and my brother could have beat it but he would have to go to court and the claim would be shut down during that time of course. They just gave in because it was senseless to try and because they had no large capital or equipment to lose. He wasn't happy but there was nothing he could legally do. The big boys came in right after and claimed it up, posted it and as far as I know, has never worked it!
      • I have not mentioned this before but while I was out at Rabbit Hole, NV in 2009, I saw that a Canadian mining company had completely claimed all of Rabbit Hole. In another instance, while there, a large American mining company from Elko NV got the BLM to force small claim owners off of their claims in Spring Valley, NV. It is not just the big mining interests in America that has the deep pockets to buy off Legislators and BLM in this country but it is the international interests that are buying out our government also. This has accelerated for the past 10 years and when I hear talk of those that think republicans are the answer I have only to say that the accelleration started during a republican presidency and legislature and the anti dredge bill was signed into law by a republican governor. But to hell with facts, history, and the truth. Lets just continue to buy into the big money ads and adgenda and believe the hype while ignoring the facts.  All of the politicians are being bought off by big money and until we have a say with our own money, we are on the short end of the stick. We will go the way of metal detectorists in State Parks and be banned from prospecting altogether.
  • Thanks for the link Skip. I like these guys.
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