I am very pleased to thank Sheriff Hagwood and hope others will too! I  have sent him the following e-mail:
Dear Sheriff Hagwood,
I just read a post on the GPAA Forum site about your stance on refusing to enforce unjust laws being imposed by the Federal Government:
I salute you SIR, as a hero in today's society.  It takes a man of your GOOD sense to help put an end to this bureaucratic B.S.!
I have been disgusted by the recent California Dredging Moratorium, the waste of tax payers' money to do ANOTHER Impact Study (after it has been shown time and time again that the small miner's dredge operation has NO negative environmental impacts - but in fact actually helps the rivers and streams by removing poisonous mercury and lead!), as well as other Civil Liberty abuses including Second Amendment rights.
I am a recreational miner and have a couple small claims in your county.  I hope that I can one day visit your office to SHAKE YOUR HAND!
Thank you again and keep up the common sense approach to your job.  I have the utmost respect for you and your department.
Very Truly Yours,
Gary G

“Bottom line, we are not going to be agents of the federal government in creating a new class of criminals who are doing nothing more then accessing what are public lands.”

—Greg Hagwood, Plumas County Sheriff


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