North Carolina Trip Questions

It's great to have this resourse, and I'd like to get just a little info.

I'm originally from NC but have been out of the state for nearly 20 years, and didn't get into prospecting till recently.  I would like to know what methods of prospecting are legal on public waters.  I'm planning a trip back home to prospect around Davidson, and Stanley counties primarily.  How about Uhwarrie National Forest and the Uhwarrie river.  Thanks for you help!



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  • Here is a link to some info on Uhwarrie Nat. Forest Prospecting.  It basically says what Gold Seeker mentioned.

  •  In N.C. you're allowed to use up to  5" dredge without any kind of permits, no real restrictions on any other type of small equipment, all non-navigable streambeds are private property by the adjacent landowner, ask for permission before entering any such streambeds, on navigable waterways the streambeds should be OK to prospect as long as you enter the waterway via public property/access, but be aware that most landowners don't believe this to be true if a navigable waterway courses through private property and a confrontation may occur, it's best if in doubt to ask for permission of the landowners before taking a chance of being in the wrong, most Law Enforcement agencies will tend to side with the landowners because most of them don't know the law governing the waterways and in rural communities most LEOs know the landowners personally.

     Most, if not all State Park are off-limits to prospecting of any kind, if in doubt check with the State Park Ranger's station before even considering doing any prospecting or rock collecting with-in a state park's boundaries.

     In the National Forests of N.C. the rules/regulations are a little different in each N.F.,  you will need to contact the Ranger's station of the particular N.F. you intend to prospect in.


     For Uwharrie N.F. you can't use any kind of motorized equipment, no dredges, not even a hand dredge/ PVC suction tube, you're allowed to use a shovel, sluice, classifiers, and pan, all digging must be with-in the wetted area of a stream, no digging out of the water/banks, etc., this "no digging" includes any island/s with-in the stream, you must fill all holes before leaving the area, the Ranger's station has a map of areas you're allowed to prospect with-in the forest, there are some areas that you're not allowed to prospect with-in the forest, there are also many areas of private land with-in the boundaries of the Uwharrie N.F., stopping at the Ranger's station to acquire the map is a must to avoid getting into trouble by being where you're not allowed to be prospecting, make sure you abide by all the regulations or they will use that to further restrict prospecting for all prospectors in the future.

     There are several "Pay to Play" places opened to the public, most but not all of them are in and around Marion, N.C., you can find most of their websites via an internet search, on gold panning in N.C.

      Have fun, I hope you find lot of gold, and remember that any impression/s you make or leave while you're prospecting will leave a lasting affect,  good or bad on all who love to prospect!!!

       If I can provide any more info or provide any links to help you, just ask.


    • Skip;


      Thanks for the great info.  This why the site is so good.  I have been away for good while and just wanted to be on the right side of the law when I come back for a visit. 

      • Hi Mickey,


        Glad to see you found the site. Join the NC group if you haven't done so.



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