Hi and thanks for all the greetings. I have been out three times with my drywasher and have had no luck only fun. Been out on the 2 quartz GPAA claim in cool gardie so far no luck. Just joined Valley Prospectors of San Bernadino to gain access to more area. Is there any thing I should be looking for in the desert besides from the holes others have dug and the Desert Trumpet plant groups ? Thanks again for all the welcomes. Live in Colton Ca.

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  • Thanks for all the replys guess I just have to pay my dues and pay attention thanks again.

  • I have used a drywasher a couple times with Josh on here. A drywasher is my goal for this year. I think they are a very interesting piece of equipment. I can say for sure that I learned a lot from Josh on the whats and hows of it. So maybe joining a club and finding someone in the club with the same interests will be a GREAT help for you also

  • Look for the 100 year old tailings piles from dredges, sluices etc that used to operate in the deserts. The piles will be like 20 feet in diameter and 6 to 10 feet tall. The old dredges did not get all the gold, just the very coarse gold. I dry wash these piles in New Mexico and can get $100 bucks a day in nice gold easily shoveling by myself.

    The old timers would actually flood an entire valley, often with water from many miles away, and dredge the valleys.

    So they have already washed the valley clean and concentrated the gold into piles for you. The piles are often overgrown and very rounded from erosion but will be spaced like every 50 feet or so down the valley as the dredge moved along. Look for a long line of similar looking piles of rock and dirt.

    I can very often park my pickup right next to the piles and camp there and dry wash as long as I want. Gold in every cleanout.

    Once you find a pile with gold, its just a matter of how much dirt you can shovel thru your dry washer. I have found nuggets up to 1/4 inch diameter also, so they missed some good stuff.

    Just another way to find gold.

    good luck

  • Just keep at it.  Dig where other people have dug, dig in locations where gold might accumulate when water is flowing in the washes like you would in a stream.  Mostly, make sure you have your dry washer set up.  Go out with someone or watch someone that has been dry washing for a while and knows what he is doing.  Too much air, not enough air, wrong slope of the washer can all contribute to loosing the gold you are putting into the washer.  Good luck.

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