
  • thanks much guys for the info. i have some more questions, what is a centrifugal pump and is it good for a high banker? also, is a high pressure pump needed?. would you please recammend a pumpand a maker the is relaiable for the 2in. i went on one site and it said pacer pumps, can someone please explain the
    pacer pump? thanks much in advance for sharing your knowledge.
    take care and be safe out there. ron
    • Most all the pumps that are used in prospecting are centrifugal pumps (pumps with impellers drawing in water from the center). Not that they are not a good pump but I have never seen a pacer pump without a plastic impeller and I would stay away from them for this reason as I have seen the fine sand that is picked up by them grind down the impeller in a couple seasons so I don't care for the pacer . I also think the pacer is way overpriced as is it's repair parts but they are available at local hardware store and ag supply places which is nice if you need to repair one and have the $$$. I would recommend a pump with a cast iron impeller and a reliable motor like the new Briggs & Stratton intek of course the Honda's are good motors too yet are costly and don't discount the Subaru Robbins motors they too have proved themselves and heck even the new Honda knock offs have been working out and priced right too . I went with a Central Machinery Honda clone with a clear water pump this gave me higher pressure and a cast iron impeller and so far it has been reliable again it's on it's 3rd season with no issues at a price I could afford. I would not go with any trash pump as they will not give you the pressure you'll need so stay with semi trash, or clear water, or high pressure pumps and always go for a bigger motor and higher pressure than needed because you'll always want to upgrade to a larger dredge size we all did and it's nice to have the pump to do it. Good luck
  • A High banker need only 2HP pump. Th 5-6 HP pumps are needed for high banker dredge combos. Several of my friends use a 2hp pump to save on gas when high banking.
  • I use a 5.5hp 145gpm clear water pump on my 2 1/2" and it powers the suction nozzle fine although it's way overkill for the high banker but when a long distance is needed from motor to hopper or a lot of head is in play it's better to have the bigger pump and motor. If it can be afforded I would opt for a proper high pressure pump with smaller motor like the Keene p90 setup it's light weight has all the pressure needed to run up to a 2 1/2" dredge and plenty of water to run a high banker but the cost will rip your head off!!!.
    If you do go with the trash type hardware store pumps go for a semi trash or clear water they have more pressure than the straight trash pumps and that is needed for the dredge part of the equipment. On my pump it's putting out about 35 to 45 PSI at 3/4 throttle that's just about the minimum to run my 2 1/2" nozzle I keep it just above 3/4 throttle for best performance when dredging and a 1/4 throttle when high banking either way I get 3hours between fill ups. I bought it at Harbor freight 3 yrs ago for $159 it starts on the first or second pull and has never given me a problem it's the Honda knock off they now sell for around $200 hope this helps good luck.
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