
  • Glad to hear it works on fine gold ,I got a lot of it on one of my claims. I have 2 of the grizzly pans that were given to me, and have not had a chance to use them yet, hope to try them when the snow is gone, which can't be soon enough lol.


    snow 001.jpg

  • It looks interesting, but I can't get the videos to run to see it in action. One of the sites I was at said the company has stopped making them, I don't know it thats true or not. It may have been to radical of a design change to be accepted by the general populace. Mark

    Thanks for the comment Tim!!!!!
    • Thanks, Mark. I caught a video on YouTube that showed a demo, but it sure didn't show what he found with it. It's definitely a different design. If you hear of anyone using it, let me know what you hear. thanks again
  • I have used the grizzly pan and I realy like it .It does a great job of catching the fine gold
    • Great, because that's all we have here in TN, Thanks
  • Jody, the only dumb newbie question is the one you don't ask. We've all been there, and there will be a lot more to follow us. I'm not familiar with the Grizzly pan, so I think I'll go look it up. Mark
    • Thanks Mark, let me know what you think of it
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