
  • Like the show even though seems to be a little to much scripting from Discovery and the Green horns had a lot to learn from the great white north previously living in AK find my self hollering at the TV often lol Now just hoping to find investors myself to get back up there and get mining in AK. myself great opportunity just need the investor/investors to make it all happen.

    • How do you find investors?  Alot of people would like to do that and I am one...redladys


      • Sandy, Hi are you looking to invest or for investor?

        • For investors...

  • Askeme...what you are missing is the point! They aren't as dumb as we think. What they did differently than 99.9% of all the other Alaskan miners is sell the IDEA of going for the mother lode to a T.V. PRODUCTION COMPANY (and not the Discovery Channel). The production company, and thus the miners, then hit the mother lode when Discovery Channel purchased the show.

    So win, lose or draw, the guys get paid and can safely jump in up to their necks and go for it all! Pretty damned smart, if you ask me!

    • Thats the ticket. You hit the nail on the head. They got to run with there dream can many of us say the same? They could hit it rich twice once with the show and hitting the gold!!!


  • Im just cetching up on the show a the flood that Minot had was bad. I have some photo on my page now there not all Minot there are some from Bismarck where I live and not the same river too.

  • Kinda amazes me how they are always talking about going bankrupt and need t o find the gold to save everything BUT they spent how much money on what looks like brand new gold separation equipment? Really nice equipment! Somebody is getting paid! Great show tho. Learn alittle something new every week on what Not to do!

    And why they are trying to get a sympathetic feel for Claim Jumping Fred! Who knows....But his Karma is and should kick hm in the butt!

    Hope the 17 year old dude stricks it rich and beats em all!

    • The equipment was probably donated to pitch sales.  Nothing wrong with free advertisement that reaches millions across the world.

  • The show is just what this is. They are being paid big money  by Discovory Channel to keep the pucker factor on the edge. I taked to a prospector that works the area. The bridge that was so wornout that they had to cross in season one had good wood removed and bad boards installed just to make a exciting show. That bridge is well maintained.

    A good part of there budget is from the film company.  Beyond that a good lesson on how not to mine for GOLD in Alaska. Just spend $280.000 to get $30.000 in return then not pay rent one month and lose it all to Dakota Fred who gets the bad karma everyday for claim jumping!!!

    Fun to watch, Love a chance to try but I don't have quarter of a mill to lose. Hope they win it all- what its broke again!!! darn. More money will fix-it and alot of weld, wire, duct tape, chewing gum.

    I watch it every week though. So take this show with a grain of salt or gold they will do just fine with there paychecks for us watching every week. Go Todd>>>>>>


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