
  • yes they are supposed to be only available at Cabela's now, if any where else doubt it is a authorized dealer and the warranty would be no good.
    I want one, but think I may wait for the next batch and after some reviews.
    I have the owners manual for it here, looks good.
    the cabelas deal is 499 they are giving away a panning kit with it and a 20 dollar off coupon on the site
    still want a gold bug , just no bugs in it.
    • At 19.2 KHz, cant imagine it being much better than the original gold bug. Like you Spike, I'll wait for some reviews
      • the original gold bug was a gold finding machine, just had no discrimation at all.
        the new one looks good it has no motion pinpoint among other things and real good looking ground balance system.

  • Wow! I stand corrected. $500 entry level machine, well I may just have to field test it! - Terry
  • There is a new GoldBug out, it operates on the same frequency as the original GoldBug 19.2 KHz it is only available from Cabela's at this time, and they say that they have them ready to ship, I have heard that it is not called the GoldBug 3, but that is how it is listed on the Cabela's website, the new GoldBug is Fisher's new entry level gold prospecting detector, price in the $500 or less range, here is the link to the Cabela's webpage, if anyone is selling it on eBay they could of only gotten it from Cabela's, from what I understand it will not be released to other dealers until around February 2010...;jsession...

    • Yep! That would be the one. I wonder why they call it the Gold bug 3, when it's a revamped goldbug 1. Very mis-leading. Thanks so much for your reply.
      • Harry,

        From what I have read posted by some dealers that it is just called the GoldBug, but IMHO that is more misleading and will cause confusion with the original GoldBug, from what I have read is not a revamped GoldBug, but is more a cross between the original GoldBug and a Teknetics metal detector which is an offshoot line/company of Fisher's, but this is only hearsay at this time.

  • No. No such animal. Probably a typo - Terry
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