EZ Sluice For First Sluice Box

I'm new to prospecting and have been out panning several times this year. I am comfortable with my ability to separate materials with a pan now and would like to purchase a sluice box. I don't want to rush in and  purchase one that is too expensive so I was thinking of buying the EZ Sluice.

I posted on the GPAA website in regards to this but I am learning that people aren't really that helpful over there so thought I would ask here.

Do you think the EZ Sluice is a good purchase for a first time sluice?


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  • i am also new to panning as well and recently bought my first sluice which just so happened to be the EZ sluice. its light weight portable and easy to clean out. i went and bought s piece of doorway matting and replaced the miners moss because we have so much sand around here it was clogging fast.  the flare is adjustable so you can set your water pace, but you do have to classify pretty well or it will clog. perfect for a beginner and priced to match. i have found gold with mine but sometimes i can pan faster than the sluice will work so i run my tailings  from panning thru the sluice since they are classified already. you will find gold with it if you have gold there! good luck and buy some classifiers as well , you will need them more than you think !

    • Thanks Zack. I have dollar store classifiers lol!. I am getting ready to make some more out of 5 gallon buckets I got for free, the mesh is only about six bucks at OSH. I was thinking about making a sluice but the lazy side of me has decided to purchase one and like you said it's pretty much the cheapest one I have found at least on the internet.

      • i use a half inch bucket classifier then a cat poop scoop to feed the sluice ...works well and the handle has a good angle .

  • You can see my review for the casluicebox stream sluice here on the forums and a pic of the aluminum bars I added a couple days ago. I have a Keene A52 as well but the ground im on is 900yds of pure hell to climb through so I got the lighter weight model for that back and forth trip.  The EZ sluice is low priced and has EZ in the name but your going to have to learn to run any of them and it takes practice.  My first sluicebox was made of wood and i used it long after the nail heads rusted off and it was wrapped with bungee cords to hold it together. I had about $3 invested in that one. I bought the A52 for $65 on sale from a hardware that stopped carrying prospecting gear.  If I was just starting out I would get the casluicebox stream or mini. The mini is $29 I think and will be a good starter box. Or if your good on the table saw invest $3 and find some old pallets. I think at the $50 price point adding another $25 to get a better constructed box will make you happier in the long run.

    • Thanks Flour can I get a link to you review?

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