Esmerelda County Nevada

I have been interested in this county for a while. It's supposed to be good for gold and turquoise, and looking at geocommunicator is appears that is not all claimed up, but I am not all that swift at working that program and overlays. does anyone have any info about that place? How would I go about learning more about where to look for prospects and claims to stake?

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  • Hey Chris, no I'm not familiar with that area, but I will say 1 thing about Geocomunicator and LR2000 .
    That is just a general tool, and can be very inacurate,and outdated .Nor does it show the layout of claims .
    Always check with the county recorder and the BLM, to verify any claims before you file .
    The BLM will be happy to take your $$, and issue you a mining claim # . Prob is, if your claim overlaps another pre-existing claim, you are a junior claimant, and have no mineral rights .
    Always use due diligence, and research before filing a claim,or you could very easily be throwing your $$ out the window .
    Good luck !
    • Chris! Listen to Adawg, There have been a lot of people burned by not doing "due diligence"! I have friends working claims in Oregon and right next to them is some guy saying it's his claim because his mom bought it off some guy in Raccoon Creek Minn.! It's been claimed by a club for years and it's been kept up and they feel sorry for him but he is still in the wrong. I looked into a lot of the turquoise mining areas in Esmeralda myself and it looked pretty sewn up to me. One company in Tonapah has most of it. Try this and see if they can help.
      • So I gather there is no way other than to go there and comb over the local records, it this right? Up to this time I have been a computer prospector reading everything I can find on this area. It has been my conclusion that this is a very sparsley populated area and was a good place to start getting my feet on the ground, I am a long way from there in the Asheville area, but am very interested in lode gold. I do hope my dreaming can become reality one of these days in the near future. I recently read that a lot of that area is being claimed up for lithium mining. Those western mountains look so rugged they can't have all been searched. I filed a couple of claims in Alaska in the 70's and have a basic education about the process.
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