Crisson Gold Mine Concentrates

Seen several pay-dirt  reviews & just thought I would add one for my friends at  Crisson Gold Mine in Dahlonega Ga. I have only got a few of there concentrates & never got the Guaranteed Nugget bucket. But the 15 to 1 and the 30 to 1 gallons that I have tried have always had more value in gold weight than what I paid for the ore. I like the fact that it is not seeded and it comes straight from there mine.  Always a chance of not a good yield but there is also a chance of good nuggets.  If any of you try it let me know what you think.

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  • Well, I've done a bucket scoop there at the mine and have taken home the 30:1 and both came with in .200 grams of each other. I've found that almost all of the take homes are hoovering around the 1.8 to 2.3 gram marks. At $165 a can plus tax. Its not so much a great amount of return... but for the $100 bucket load its a bit better to do it there in a trommel or with one of the two gold cubes. Not much fine gold to be found , which seems a bit odd for GA in my opinion... but the chunky gold is defiantly there for sure. If you are a Rock hound, I've found they are one of the better sellers out there as well. 

    I believe all of them down in GA seed the products or monitors whats in them personally. Reason being how can a 30:1 concentrated cons always provide about 2 grams of gold? There would have to be at least a bad bucket in 1 out of 3  with the odds and an even better strike it rich with a big ole chunky nugget with $100 to be found if not searched? Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing the mines at all, I know and still pay for paydirt when I get the itch during winter. Comments and discussion opinions are welcome.

  • I just did there 15:1 mix. I got roughly 55% ROI. It was a lot of material. Just because of the volume of material I may keep buying just for the entertainment factor as I drive a semi and it keeps me entertained while on the road. I’m considering trying their 30:1 mix next.
  • I think they're just like every other paydirt business out there, you have to ask yourself how do they "concentrate" their ore from 75 lbs to 1 gallon or 30lbs to 1 gallon, in between the stamping mill and 1 gallon they have control on how much gold you get and people are all sharing around 50% ROI or less.

    I'm pretty sure they harvest the gold first, the re-seed the gold into 1 gallon, otherwise how can they guarantee a "nugget bucket" if their stuff just blindly comes off the stamping mill and into a bag (it's just a story they give).

    • I agree, It dont make sense otherwise.

  • I have panned three of their take away paydirts.  If you are looking at straight ROI they all have come in around 50%.  i have done two of the 15 to 1 and one 30 to 1. at 50% I had to stop buying the stuff.  All were bought in 2017.

    I like the challenge of a more natural paydirt!

    • ROI? what does that stand for?

      • Brian Smith

        Return On Investment

      • Return On Investment

  • Hello friend my name is Tony I live in Dalton Ga. about 3hrs. or less from Delonga I do a paydirt review channel on you tube Au Paydirt Reviews and plan on this spring or summer taking a family outing to Crisson and will be doing a full video there
    • I lived in Resaca ga near there

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