No longer have this rig but when I did I was in 30 feet of HEAVEN !
I rebuilt the whole thing inside and out. When Elk hunting it carryed one horse and three mules
and all the hunting gear in the back. The front part was a rolling apt.
When prospecting there was a 4-wheeler and 3" or 5" dredge and most every thing else
I owned for prospecting .
Rebuilt the truck also, replaced the gas engine with a diesel and installed a 9-speed Trans. with
a split range rear end. one 50 gal. and one 80 gal. tank gave it a range of almost 1500 mi.
Behind the cab was a 6500 watt diesel gen. to handle the two 15000 A/C s with heat pumps.
Yes there was places I could not get it into but there was a lot that I could and did.
Reverseing the springs gave a lot of extra height.
Someone else liked it even more than I did! Need I say more ?ARK%20ROYAL%20001.jpg
Here shown on Rock Creek ( MUPU Claims Wyo. )
Eventually, after I retired I ended up with a 22 ft. motorhome to take it's place.
After you put that much time and money and labor into something like that you
can never replace it I think. But I still have photo's to refresh the old memory from
time to time and remember the good times. I did'ent build the motorhome so it just
don't have the same feeling about it, but it works.
Hey XT, did you find anything at the Mupu claims? My nephew went there and got skunked but then again if he had a brain, he would take it out and play with it! No gold sense at all! I tried to go there but I got chased off by that mean October storm that came through and I didn't have enough time to wait it out.
Found a little fine stuff but not enough to pay for the gas it took to get there.
There is good gold on that claim but you really have to hunt to find it. If there
is ever a next time I'll work the flood plain area on the side of Rock Creek with
a trommel and not fool with the dredge. I found this out to late on that trip to
do anything about it. The Carol Placer claim and the MUPU claim are good
for high-bankers or trommels but I think a little light for dredging. If you
ever go there be sure to check out the cliffs ( take your camera ) and look
at the swallow nests there, way cool !