? Look at the Following and Just Think about it a trillion just the number or in Dollars which ever is==What with hundred-billion-dollar bailouts and trillion-dollar deficits, one tends to forget that tens of billions is still quite a bit of money. But 11 figures is a good reminder – especially to people like us, with mere five-figure salaries. We recently saw two interesting ways of looking at these astronomical numbers. A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. A trillion seconds is 31,688 years. Or, to save a million dollars, just squirrel away $500 every week for 40 years. To save a billion dollars, stash $50,000 every week for 40 years. To save a trillion dollars, put by $500,000 every week for 40 years.) Please give your thought's on this, it is a Really Big Number???? And you Know I can not Rember a week that I could of put away the $500,000 so dont guess I will never be Worth one (1)$Trillion. LOL

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  • Holding my head to keep it from spinning !
  • I did not just read that my eyes were closed!

    I will keep telling myself that.

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