A little site seeing

The green machine sitting at the Pawn Stars store. Way different in person then what you see on TV
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  • thanks maurice I will pay more attention now when I watch the show

  • Thanks for the info Maurice..They can do alot of trickery w/them cameras..those customers buying stuff on the show must be actors....too bad they did'nt have the camera rolling when Mean Green came rolling in!!....KK

  • Good morning GreatGrandmother, On TV everything looks so neat and clean and big. It isn’t, not that this is a bad thing, just not what we perceived. Or what we pay attention to while watching the show. The main part of the building is maybe only 20 feet wide and by the time you put the book shelves and room for the employees and then add the displays it really shrinks it down. To me on TV when people are wanting to sell something and it shows them standing in the isle it looks big. The isle really is not a lot wider than the person standing there. The dark display case where they all stand when appraising an item. It is maybe 6 feet long and the matching book shelve behind is the same length. That is the only area in the store like it. So we are thinking it is put in to make it appear fancier in the store than it really is. The desks that the oldman and Rick sit at, is in an area that is maybe 12 feet x 8 feet and in the show it shows there being a type of drawer system behind them. There is no room for it. So we were thinking that the drawers are only painted on something and placed there for the show to make it look bigger. The desks are also real small. Next time they show the oldman sitting at his desk. Pay attention to how much desk is to the right and left of the oldman. When rick is sitting at his desk, see how narrow the desk is. It is like they have mini desks.  When they are at the pawn counter and the camera pans to the right it shows a big hallway. Well the hallway is not that big. It is very narrow. In the show they are always handing out the cash like it was easy to do. But when my wife bought a ring there it was a full process to pay for it and get her change back. The guy had to input the sale into the computer, then walk over to the pawn counter to get the ticket, my wife had to view and approve the receipt, then she handed him the cash, he had to go to a cash window show the receipt, hand over the cash, get the change and then give the receipt and change to my wife. Which this all took maybe 2 minutes. Not bad, but just a complete process we never even thought of. Maybe they do this because of the possibilities of crime??? Most of the items in the store for sale were very high $$ items. Not much that I can afford. This kind of surprised me. But my wife and I were thinking that because there is always a ton of fans in the store buying items it must be very hard to keep it stocked up.  In their outside shots of the parking lot. If you seen the picture I posted on here of where my wife’s Camaro is sitting that is about where a lot of the dealings take place when appraising bigger items. That parking lot on TV looks hugh. Well it is so tight that when a truck pulled into a parking spot and a cab pulled in a parking spot across from it we had to wait until the cab moved to drive out. The drive lane between parking lanes is very narrow. To us there were lots of things that we just apparently don’t pay close enough attention to on TV when watching the show. That now is fun to watch and see what is real and what is put in place to make the show look better. I really like the show and it is now even more fun to watch because we have been there. Nothing bad for differences just how bad we really pay attention to detail


  • No Spur, thats my wifes car

  • very cool maurice

  • is it a rental
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