

Jerome, ID

What type of prospecting do you do?

High banking, dredging, sluicing, panning (w/flow pan)

Do you belong to any clubs?


How did you find the site?

Swift water on YouTube

What kind of equipment do you use?

Highbankers, dredges, sluice boxes, flow pan

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  • Happy Birthday, D.J.!

  • Hey DJ I have been a bit busy (maybe lazy) and missed your friend request.  Hope you are recovering from the house fire.  I am down in AZ living with my sister now and trying to get a prospecting plan going.  I may head out tomorrow for a couple of days to do some metal detecting.  My sister's husband was born in Troy, ID and we traveled around there last year.  I have an old friend in Cody and plan on a trip there, so maybe a trip to ID also.

  • Thanks for the friend invite. I've been up visiting Mountain Man Ken down in the Idaho Falls area and hope to make it back up to ID sometime this spring or summer to do a little prospecting. Maybe we can connect up

  • Sorry for delay on friend request, I never received it.  Just found it today while going through My Page.

  • Thank u everyone it's been nice to get back on the stream
    I lost all my equipment in a house fire last summer so been struggling to get my high banker/dredge combos back because they are not cheap but I'm working on it I hope to start making friends that have the same interests as I do I love being in the mountains digging for gold have a few areas that I dig raw pay and other places actually dig in tailing piles from the old school bucket dredges and have some decent results in all locations
  • Welcome to GPS!

  • Welcome DJ this is William from Bedford Virginia 

  • Welcome and thanks for joining us 

  • Welcome to GPS from Ky 

  • Welcome from New Mexico, D.J. Enjoy the site!

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