
  • I'm workin on the west side of Pikes Peak area. Tryin out a new claim area. Heck of a hike up to it., Not far from the cripple Creek area. I still need to get Bob to come over for a stay at the mine. Nice camping at an old Abandoned mine from the late 1800's. Pretty cool spot.

  • Both good thoughts but about 1.5 hrs away..was hoping for something closer. Isn't it odd that little Fairplay has their public spot but there's nothing in Summit Co?
    • Hey Kevin, Colorado Gold Camp is a pretty good club with a claim near Silverthorn and several claims in Lake County. Membership is something like $80 a year. You might want to check them out. Nice group!

  • FairPlay beach is 5$ a year. That's the closest to you I know of
  • theres some here in delta

  • Can anyone share info on non-claimable public land in Summit County (or neighboring counties) where casual prospecting is allowed? I want to give visiting family the "wild" prospecting experience while they visit.
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