My State and Patriotism Under Attack

Self-important civil rights “leaders,” politicians with agendas, socialist and anarchist organizers, communist agitators, left-leaning Democrats, and apparently most of the American media, want all of us to believe that pride in being a citizen of the United States, or “patriotism,” is now “racism.”


Arizona is being invaded! There are 450,000 foreign bodies in Arizona right now. Americans, who have sworn their allegiance to the United States, Americans who have served their country, who have paid taxes, sacrificed their Sons – Husbands – Wives – and Daughters, are themselves being killed and injured, robbed and raped by some of the 450,000 foreigners that have invaded our country.


The “lucky” Arizonan’s, are only being attacked socially and financially, bearing the brunt of the cost to feed, house, jail and medically treat an extra 450,000 bodies not planned for in their already stretched budget. Their children suffer in school, because the children of foreigners – by the thousands – stress teachers, classrooms, teaching supplies, and bus transportation to the breaking – or broken point.


Arizona is being invaded. Does it really matter what color the invader is? Americans come in every color, every ethnic background and every religion. What sets “US” apart in this world, is that we are AMERICANS. Stop illegal immigration now. Support America, and be a Proud American!


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  • Thank guys now that you have stood up for you American rights We here in California have seen a big infultration, an incress of Home Invashions, Burgularies, Rapes, Drugs, and Under bidding of Construction Jobs. Don't go to home Depot you cann't get out the parking lot with out being Mobbed. California's welfare is maxed out are schools can not aford to pay are teachers, -----------> ------> --------> I support you all the way.

  • Terry:


    So true! I fled the People's Republic of Massachusetts for the free state of Arizona. I feel these people that are actually invaders sent by their government should never be referred to as "illegal aliens". They are "criminal foreigners" who have been sent by their government to violate our sovereignty and deny us our rights as granted under the constitution. The biggest problem now is that we have an administration who not only refuses to address the issue, but in violation of his oath encourages their actions. He has met with the foreign leader and has supported him against the very people he is suppose to protect.


    I moved here to Cochise County and even though family responsibility has been somewhat responsible for my not getting out into the mountains it has also been because many landowners have closed their land to people due to the issues created in part by the criminal illegals. There is also the concern of being out alone and having a confrontation with the criminal illegals.  I have crossed paths with illegals a few times and once saw one at a distance with a rifle in hand. 


    Larry Murray

    Willcox, AZ


  • Right on Terry! It's my state too and although I'm up here inOregon right now, supporting some friends in their prospecting, I can't wait to get back to my desert!
    Keep up the good fight and I'll be back there soon to join you. I have nothing against legal aliens, it's what we have always fought for= Democracy, but screw all the lazy drug dealing, theiving, murdering, raping illegal bastards [pardon my furor]. Go get 'em Joe! Arapaio
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