Underwater Hand Dredge

Underwater Hand Dredge
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  • Thanks Reuben I didnt know that.. All i know is I saw a guy wrestling one for like 45 min during clean-up

  • the hose is no problem a swimming pool hose will work it's ribed on the out side not inside

  • I have to dump mine out every 15-20  pulls or it's spitting flakes.. I always have a bucket right there with a big rock in it there to exhale the dredge into regardless of how full I have let it get.  If that plunger isnt going down atleast 2/3 of the way it's time to dump it. That hose on the gold an sand is hard to clean with the hose and its (riffles) inside. They need to be like a slickplate inside   

  • Gold and Sand has a version that I bought that works under water. The Extreme. Works great for me.

  • do you have a vidio I would like to see one beeing used

  • It wouldn't work underwater until I Hot Rodded It!! 

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