The Trommel

This is my Trommel I built on it's first test run many changes have been made since this photo. The biggest changes have been the washbar no longer goes all the way thru the barrel . The hopper is bigger and alot of the washing is done in it before it hits the barrel. And i now use the Angus Mackirk sluice on this unit.
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  • Spur I had no problems with build up to one side at all.

    All material fell to the middle of the sluice. 

    Jim what I did was put a smaller pipe in the hopper end going into the trommel barrel and put on a bigger damn plate on the barrel. At the sluice end of the barrel I put a longer tailing chute on that went under the barrel further. And the paint job you picked is superb lol.

    I did a lot of mods to my trommel before I was happy with it and the next owner of it was very happy with it also and is still using it.

  • All of your builds look fantastic.

  • Spur. The sluice coming out the side can be held on buy adjustable chains. They run from the frame at an angle to the sluice. Just adjust either side until the box is level.

  • Adim you can get you metal from a welding supply shop. I have a question, if the sluice comes out the 'side' will the water and material that is dropped in to the flair area build up on one side
  • I did all three 

  • gold 004Ii

  • gold 008

  • On my I could not find pipe, so what I did was took some metal and rolled it and it work good.

  • I built the 12" from Bill Fletcher's plans, and have a problem with the collection hopper under the barrel. Water flows over the dam on both ends, fallin into the sluice, and onto the gas motor. Funny, I painted mine black, and red as well.2960230189?profile=original

  • Thank you so much! All I need is a 24" piece at 1/8" thickness. Under $20 price tag. Fantastic

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