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  • That's Great AMRA just Finished a Dredge outing in Idaho to protest the dredge band, that good you have everything in order like the pond and footage from the stream I like the idea of a Gravety pump keep it up
  • Just having fun in the mud.  I am sure the forestry service or Fish and Game will be checking out what we did and come up with a new rule to stop us.  We broke no rules in this.  Since this is fire season we could not have our pumps on land so we had them on pontoons and floated them across the river.

  • I wonder What The Alien Think of This??

  • River Digger, This is on the Klamath River in North California.  It was a very successful experiment.  As you might know, California does not allow any motorized dredging and plenty of other restrictions.  We have a high Bench about 200 feet from the river.  We pumped water from the river to a working pool on the bench.  We then used a 4 inch hose to siphon the material down to a highbanker type setup.  The HB was about 20 feet lower than the bench and just gravity used to feed.  We had a large settling pond that kept the discharge out of the river.

    First time the club has done this and pulled 1/2 ounce in 5 hours.  Largest nugget was 8 grains.

  • Looks like everyone is having a good time...where is this?

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